Arizona: For Whites Only?

Recently, I penned a piece discussing the need for Black folks to join in with the fight against Arizona’s racist immigration bill SB 1070. My goal was to challenge Black folks, to think beyond the immediate immigration bill to the larger injustices that are taking root in Arizona. In the past few weeks, Arizona has continued to make their intentions clear. Whether you agree with SB 1070 or not, the state of Arizona has begun a march towards making the state free, open and inhabitable to Whites and closed to people of color, particularly Latinos.

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Filed under: Activism, Boundaries, Food for Thought, foreign policy, General, Hate, latino, Race, Racism

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  • sunt97

    Wow folks were going off on your articles weren’t they?

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

    • dumilewis

      Indeed, but I think… or hope … it’s because what I’m saying is provoking or uncovering issues that folks are uncomfortable talking about. time will tell.

  • sunt97

    Wow folks were going off on your articles weren't they?

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  • dumilewis

    Indeed, but I think… or hope … it's because what I'm saying is provoking or uncovering issues that folks are uncomfortable talking about. time will tell.